Health Revelations, Inc.

A Campaign for Affordable Medical Costs Educating People About the State of Our Healthcare System

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Creating Awareness on the Rising Expenditures in Healthcare


What You Need to Know

Every year, trillions of dollars are spent on our healthcare system, but most of it is not felt by regular citizens. In fact, medical costs for individuals and families are rising faster than income levels. More people are having less and less money to shoulder expenses, making medical bills one of today’s major causes of bankruptcies. On a sadder note, some people are holding off treatment just to avoid massive costs.

Health Revelations, Inc. in Pittsburgh, PA wants to alleviate these concerns. We believe that healthcare should be affordable for everyone regardless of their class, race, status, and backgrounds.

Our Mission

At Health Revelations, Inc., our mission is to promote affordable, effective, and efficient practices throughout the healthcare system for all individuals.


Contact Us

For more information about our cause, please reach out to us today.